Thursday, September 22, 2016

Some fun stuff

Haven't posted in forever. So here are some things you haven't seen.
Bubba loves superheros now. Here he is being a superhero.

EV and Bubba painting with edible paint.

This is Bubba's painting.

This is EV's painting.

Bubba is pretending to be a snail.

She is just such a cute sleeper.

We all went to a Safari with Poppop and Nana K.

Kissing an antelope?

She was so tired.

Bubba LOVED it!

Flying to Gigi and Grandpa's. Bubba kept captain america with him all the time.

Visiting the air and space museum.

Our beautiful little girl

Looking at cars with Grandpa

He had a bath with the most bubbles ever.

Bubba loves motorcycles

Seeing Daddy for the first time in months.

We went to a discovery museum. Evelyn discovered a girl in the mirror.

Bubba discovered a lot.

Bubba swaddled Simba and then rocked him to sleep. 

He loves music!

Lots of fun with friends learning about static electricity.

Potty training

His love of superheros has now grown. Now when he leaves the house he must wear a cape. Sometimes a mask, usually a weapon.

Apple Picking! It was so much fun.

Playing with neighbors

Love the books.

I love the bow.

Bubba is our Skaterboy.